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Have a look at some of the flowers photographed in Ryedale ...
I am trying to build up some helpful hints on identifying difficult groups with help from our members. To date we have:
The list below contains all the flowering plants likely to be found in Ryedale, together with one or two distinctive ferns (such as Moonwort) and grasses (e.g. Quaking Grass), and common trees and bushes. No distinction is made between true native wild flowers and naturalised introductions and escapes the criterion is that the plant should be found growing wild and appearing natural. The list does not contain rarities recorded in the past but known to be extinct now (such as the Ladys Slipper Orchids recorded around Gilling and Hovingham in the 19th century). The plants in the list may not have been definitely recorded in this area, but they should occur. I have listed the plants in alphabetical order of English names. Please email me to let me know if this is a good idea or not! The list was compiled using Clapham, Tutin & Warburg as the main reference; I am aware that some botanical names have changed subsequently, and where I know the new ones I have noted them. If I have missed any please let me know.
There are some plants on this list which are rare nationally, some which are locally rare (for instance at the edge of their range) and several which are restricted to very particular habitats. We are fortunate that Ryedale is relatively unspoilt, with significant pockets of ancient woodland; but we have also lost much, in common with the rest of the country, in particular limestone grassland, herb-rich meadows and wetlands. The remaining tiny patches of these areas with their special floras are very precious and should be protected.
Rushes and Sedges, Grasses, Ferns/Horsetails and Mosses/Liverworts are listed separately, and we are hoping to include Lichens and Fungi later.
If you would like more information on the wild flowers of the area Nan Sykes has written an excellent book on the subject, Wild Plants and their Habitats in the North York Moors. This is available from the North York Moors National Park on-line shop.
English Name | Latin Name |
Adderstongue | Ophioglossum vulgatum |
Agrimony, common | Agrimonia eupatoria |
Agrimony, fragrant | Agrimonia procera |
Alder | Alnus glutinosa |
Alder Buckthorn | Frangula alnus |
Angelica | Angelica sylvestris |
Ash | Fraxinus excelsior |
Aspen | Populus tremula |
Avens, hybrid | Geum sp. |
Avens, water | Geum rivale |
Avens, wood | Geum urbanum |
Balsam, Himalayan | Impatiens glandulifera |
Balsam, yellow | Impatiens noli-tangere |
Baneberry | Actaea spicata |
Barberry | Berberis vulgaris |
Bedstraw, fen | Galium uliginosum |
Bedstraw, heath | Galium saxatile |
Bedstraw, hedge | Galium mollugo |
Bedstraw, ladys | Galium verum |
Bedstraw, marsh | Galium palustre |
Beech | Fagus sylvatica |
Bell heather | Erica cinerea |
Bellflower, greater | Campanula latifolia |
Bellflower, clustered | Campanula glomerata |
Betony | Stachys officinalis |
Bilberry | Vaccinium myrtillus |
Bindweed, black | Fallopia convolvulus |
Bindweed, field | Convolvulus arvensis |
Bindweed, hedge | Calystegia sepium |
Bindweed, large | Calystegia sylvatica |
Birch, downy | Betula pubescens |
Birch, silver | Betula pendula |
Bird cherry | Prunus padus |
Birdsfoot trefoil, common | Lotus corniculatus |
Birdsfoot trefoil, greater | Lotus pedunculatus |
Bistort, amphibious | Persicaria amphibia |
Bistort, common | Persicaria bistorta |
Bittercress, hairy | Cardamine hirsuta |
Bittercress, large | Cardamine amara |
Bittercress, wavy | Cardamine flexuosa |
Bittersweet | Solanum dulcamara |
Black bryony | Tamus communis |
Black horehound | Ballota nigra |
Black nightshade | Solanum nigrum |
Blackthorn | Prunus spinosa |
Blinks | Montia fontanum |
Blood drop emlets This is probably actually Monkey Flower | Mimulus guttatus |
Bluebell | Hyacinthoides non-scripta |
Bog asphodel | Narthecium ossifragum |
Bog myrtle or Gale | Myrica gale |
Bog pimpernel | Anagallis tenella |
Bogbean | Menyanthes trifoliata |
Borage | Borago officinalis |
Bracken | Pteridium aquilinum |
Bramble | Rubus fruticosus |
Broom | Cytisus scoparius |
Broomrape, Knapweed | Orobanche elatior |
Buckthorn | Rhamnus catharticus |
Bugle | Ajuga reptans |
Bugloss | Anchusa arvensis |
Bur-reed, common | Sparganium erectum |
Burdock | Arctium minus |
Burnet saxifrage, greater | Pimpinella major |
Burnet saxifrage, lesser | Pimpinella saxifraga |
Burnet, great | Sanguisorba officinalis |
Burnet, salad | Sanguisorba minor |
Butchers broom | Ruscus aculeatus |
Butterbur | Petasites hybridus |
Buttercup, bulbous | Ranunculus bulbosus |
Buttercup, celery leaved | Ranunculus sceleratus |
Buttercup, corn | Ranunculus arvensis |
Buttercup, creeping | Ranunculus repens |
Buttercup, goldilocks | Ranunculus auricomus |
Buttercup, hairy | Ranunculus sardous |
Buttercup, meadow | Ranunculus acris |
Butterwort | Pinguicula vulgaris |
English Name | Latin Name |
Campion, bladder | Silene vulgaris |
Campion, red | Silene dioica |
Campion, white | Silene latifolia |
Canadian waterweed | Elodea canadensis |
Catsear | Hypochaeris radicata |
Celandine, greater | Chelidonium majus |
Celandine, lesser | Ranunculus ficaria |
Centaury | Centaurium erythraea |
Chamomile, corn | Anthemis arvensis |
Chamomile, stinking | Anthemis cotula |
Charlock | Sinapis arvensis |
Cherry plum | Prunus cerasifera |
Chestnut, horse | Aesculus hippocastanum |
Chestnut, sweet | Castanea sativa |
Chickweed wintergreen | Trientalis europaea |
Chickweed, common | Stellaria media |
Chickweed, greater | Stellaria neglecta |
Chickweed, water | Myosoton aquaticum |
Chicory | Cichorium intybus |
Chinese teaplant | Lycium chinense |
Cinquefoil, creeping | Potentilla reptans |
Cinquefoil, hoary | Potentilla argentea |
Cinquefoil, marsh | Potentilla palustris |
Cleavers | Galium aparine |
Clover, alsike | Trifolium hybridum |
Clover, red | Trifolium pratense |
Clover, white | Trifolium repens |
Clover, zigzag | Trifolium medium |
Coltsfoot | Tussilago farfara |
Columbine | Aquilegia vulgaris |
Comfrey | Symphytum sp. |
Comfrey, common | Symphytum officinalis |
Comfrey, Russian | Symphytum x uplandicum |
Corn marigold | Chrysanthemum segetum |
Corn salad | Valerianella locusta |
Corn salad, smooth-fruited | Valerianella dentata |
Corydalis, climbing | Ceratocapnos claviculata |
Corydalis, yellow | Pseudofumaria lutea |
Cottongrass, broad leaved | Eriophorum latifolium |
Cottongrass, common | Eriophorum angustifolium |
Cottongrass, harestail | Eriophorum vaginatum |
Cow parsley | Anthriscus sylvestris |
Cow wheat | Melampyrum pratense |
Cowberry | Vaccinium vitis-idaea |
Cowslip | Primula veris |
Crab apple | Malus sylvestris |
Cranberry | Vaccinium oxycoccus |
Cranesbill, bloody | Geranium sanguineum |
Cranesbill, cut leaved | Geranium dissectum |
Cranesbill, dovesfoot | Geranium molle |
Cranesbill, dusky | Geranium phaeum |
Cranesbill, French | Geranium endressii |
Cranesbill, hedgerow | Geranium pyrenaicum |
Cranesbill, long stalked | Geranium columbinum |
Cranesbill, meadow | Geranium pratense |
Cranesbill, pencilled | Geranium versicolor |
Cranesbill, shining | Geranium lucidum |
Cranesbill, small flowered | Geranium pusillum |
Cranesbill, wood | Geranium sylvaticum |
Creeping jenny | Lysimachia nummularia |
Cross leaved heath | Erica tetralix |
Crosswort | Galium cruciata (= Cruciata laevipes) |
Crowberry | Empetrum nigrum |
Cuckoo flower or Milkmaid | Cardamine pratensis |
Cudweed, marsh | Gnaphalium uliginosum |
Currant, black | Ribes nigrum |
Currant, flowering | Ribes sanguineum |
Currant, mountain | Ribes alpinum |
Currant, red | Ribes rubrum |
Daisy | Bellis perennis |
Dames violet | Hesperis matronalis |
Dandelion | Taraxacum sp. |
Danish scurvygrass | Cochlearia danica |
Deadly nightshade | Atropa bella-donna |
Deadnettle, cut leaved | Lamium hybridum |
Deadnettle, henbit | Lamium amplexicaule |
Deadnettle, red | Lamium purpureum |
Deadnettle, spotted | Lamium maculatum |
Deadnettle, white | Lamium album |
Dewberry | Rubus caesius |
Dock, broad leaved | Rumex obtusifolius |
Dock, clustered | Rumex conglomeratus |
Dock, curled | Rumex crispus |
Dock, wood | Rumex sanguineus |
Dogs mercury | Mercurialis perennis |
Dogwood | Cornus sanguinea |
Dropwort | Filipendula vulgaris |
Duckweed, common | Lemna minor |
Duckweed, ivy leaved | Lemna trisulca |
Dwarf cornel | Cornus suecica |
Dyers greenweed | Genista tinctoria |
Elder | Sambucus nigra |
Elm, English | Ulmus procera |
Elm, wych | Ulmus glabra |
Enchanters nightshade | Circaea lutetiana |
Eyebright | Euphrasia officinalis agg. |
English Name | Latin Name |
Fairy foxglove | Erinus alpinus |
False oxlip | Primula x polyantha |
Fat hen | Chenopodium album |
Feverfew | Tanacetum parthenium |
Field madder | Sherardia arvensis |
Field pennycress | Thlaspi arvense |
Figwort, common | Scrophularia nodosa |
Figwort, water | Scrophularia auriculata |
Flat Sedge | Blysmus compressus |
Flax, cultivated | Linum usitatissimum |
Flax, fairy | Linum catharticum |
Fleabane | Pulicaria dysenterica |
Fools parsley | Aethusa cynapium |
Fools watercress | Apium nodiflorum |
Forgetmenot, changing | Myosotis discolor |
Forgetmenot, creeping | Myosotis secunda |
Forgetmenot, early | Myosotis ramosissima |
Forgetmenot, field | Myosotis arvensis |
Forgetmenot, pale | Myosotis stolonifera |
Forgetmenot, tufted | Myosotis laxa |
Forgetmenot, water | Myosotis scorpioides |
Forgetmenot, wood | Myosotis sylvatica |
Fox and cubs | Pilosella aurantiaca |
Foxglove | Digitalis purpurea |
Fumitory | Fumaria sp. |
Fumitory, common | Fumaria officinalis |
Fumitory, common ramping | Fumaria muralis |
Fumitory, fine leaved | Fumaria parviflora |
Fumitory, white ramping | Fumaria capreolata |
Gentian, autumn | Gentianella amarella |
Gentian, field | Gentianella campestris |
Globeflower | Trollius europaeus |
Goatsbeard | Tragopogon pratensis |
Golden saxifrage, alternate leaved | Chrysosplenium alternifolium |
Golden saxifrage, opposite leaved | Chrysosplenium oppositifolium |
Goldenrod, Canadian | Solidago canadensis |
Goldenrod, wild | Solidago virgaurea |
Good King Henry | Chenopodium bonus-henricus |
Gooseberry | Ribes uva-crispa |
Gorse | Ulex europaeus |
Grass of Parnassus | Parnassia palustris |
Great lettuce | Lactuca virosa |
Green alkanet | Pentaglottis sempervirens |
Gromwell | Lithospermum officinale |
Ground elder | Aegopodium podagraria |
Ground ivy | Glechoma hederacea |
Groundsel, common | Senecio vulgaris |
Groundsel, heath | Senecio sylvaticus |
Groundsel, sticky | Senecio viscosus |
Guelder rose | Viburnum opulus |
Gypsywort | Lycopus europaeus |
Hairy rockcress | Arabis hirsuta |
Hairy tare | Vicia hirsuta |
Harebell | Campanula rotundifolia |
Hawkbit, autumn | Leontodon autumnalis |
Hawkbit, lesser | Leontodon saxatilis (= L. taraxacoides) |
Hawkbit, rough | Leontodon hispidus |
Hawksbeard, beaked | Crepis vesicaria |
Hawksbeard, marsh | Crepis paludosa |
Hawksbeard, rough | Crepis biennis |
Hawksbeard, smooth | Crepis capillaris |
Hawkweed | Hieracium species |
Hawkweed, mouse eared | Hieracium pilosella |
Hawthorn | Crataegus monogyna |
Hazel | Corylus avellana |
Heather | Calluna vulgaris |
Hedge Garlic or Jack by the Hedge | Alliaria petiolata |
Hedge mustard | Sisymbrium officinalis |
Hedge parsley, upright | Torilis japonica |
Hellebore, green | Helleborus viridis |
Hellebore, stinking | Helleborus foetidus |
Helleborine, broad leaved | Epipactis helleborine |
Helleborine, marsh | Epipactis palustris |
Hemlock | Conium maculatum |
Hemlock water dropwort | Oenanthe crocata |
Hemp agrimony | Eupatorium cannabinum |
Hempnettle, common | Galeopsis tetrahit |
Hempnettle, large flowered | Galeopsis speciosa |
Henbane | Hyoscyamus niger |
Herb paris | Paris quadrifolia |
Herb robert | Geranium robertianum |
Hogweed | Heracleum sphondylium |
Holly | Ilex aquifolium |
Honesty | Lunaria annua |
Honeysuckle | Lonicera periclymenum |
Hop | Humulus lupulus |
Hornbeam | Carpinus betulus |
Horse radish | Armoracia rusticana |
Hounds tongue | Cynoglossum officinale |
Houseleek | Sempervivum tectorum |
English Name | Latin Name |
Ivy | Hedera helix |
Japanese knotweed | Fallopia japonica |
Juniper | Juniperus communis |
Knapweed, common | Centaurea nigra |
Knapweed, greater | Centaurea scabiosa |
Knotgrass | Polygonum aviculare |
Ladys mantle | Alchemilla sp. |
Ladys mantle | Alchemilla filicaulis ssp. vestita |
Ladys mantle | Alchemilla glabra |
Ladys mantle | Alchemilla xanthochlora |
Larch | Larix sp. |
Leopardsbane | Doronicum pardalianches |
Lesser water parsnip | Berula erecta |
Lily of the valley | Convallaria majalis |
Lime, large leaved | Tilia platyphyllos |
Lime, small leaved | Tilia cordata |
Loosestrife, dotted | Lysimachia punctata |
Loosestrife, purple | Lythrum salicaria |
Loosestrife, tufted | Lysimachia thyrsiflora |
Loosestrife, yellow | Lysimachia vulgaris |
Lords and ladies | Arum maculatum |
Lousewort, common | Pedicularis sylvatica |
Lousewort, marsh | Pedicularis palustris |
Lucerne | Medicago sativa |
Mallow, common | Malva sylvestris |
Mallow, dwarf | Malva neglecta |
Mallow, musk | Malva moschata |
Maple, field | Acer campestre |
Maple, Norway | Acer platanoides |
Marjoram | Origanum vulgare |
Marsh arrowgrass | Triglochin palustris |
Marsh marigold | Caltha palustris |
Marsh pennywort | Hydrocotyle vulgaris |
Mayweed, scented | Matricaria recutita |
Mayweed, scentless | Tripleurospermum inodorum [T. maritimum is now used for sea mayweed only] |
Meadow rue, common | Thalictrum flavum |
Meadow saffron | Colchicum autumnale |
Meadowsweet | Filipendula ulmaria |
Meadow vetchling | Lathyrus pratensis |
Medick, black | Medicago lupulina |
Melilot | Melilotus sp. |
Melilot, ribbed | Melilotus officinalis |
Melilot, tall | Melilotus altissimus |
Melilot, white | Melilotus albus |
Mignonette | Reseda lutea |
Milkwort, common | Polygala vulgaris |
Milkwort, heath | Polygala serpyllifolia |
Mint, corn | Mentha arvensis |
Mint, round leaved or apple | Mentha suaveolens |
Mint, spear | Mentha spicata |
Mint, water | Mentha aquatica |
Monkey Flower | Mimulus guttatus |
Monkshood | Aconitum napellus |
Moonwort | Botrychium lunaria |
Moschatel or Town hall clock | Adoxa moschatellina |
Mountain everlasting | Antennaria dioica |
Mouse ear, common | Cerastium fontanum |
Mouse ear, field | Cerastium arvense |
Mouse ear, sticky | Cerastium glomeratum |
Mugwort | Artemesia vulgaris |
Mullein, dark | Verbascum nigrum |
Mullein, great | Verbascum thapsus |
Musk | Mimulus moschatus |
Mustard, black | Brassica nigra |
Mustard, white | Sinapis alba |
Nettle, common | Urtica dioica |
Nettle, small | Urtica urens |
Nightflowering catchfly | Silene noctiflora |
Nipplewort | Lapsana communis |
English Name | Latin Name |
Oak | Quercus sp. |
Oak, hybrid | Quercus sp. |
Oak, pedunculate | Quercus robur |
Oak, sessile | Quercus petraea |
Oak, turkey | Quercus cerris |
Orache | Atriplex patula |
Orchid, bee | Ophrys apifera |
Orchid, birdsnest | Neottia nidus-avis |
Orchid, burnt | Orchis ustulata |
Orchid, common spotted | Dactylorhiza fuchsii |
Orchid, early marsh | Dactylorhiza incarnata |
Orchid, early purple | Orchis mascula |
Orchid, fly | Ophrys insectifera |
Orchid, fragrant | Gymnadenia conopsea |
Orchid, frog | Coeloglossum viride |
Orchid, greater butterfly | Platanthera chlorantha |
Orchid, greenwinged | Orchis morio |
Orchid, heath spotted | Dactylorhiza maculata |
Orchid, lesser butterfly | Platanthera bifolia |
Orchid, narrowleaved marsh | Dactylorhiza traunsteineri |
Orchid, northern marsh | Dactylorhiza purpurella |
Orchid, pyramidal | Anacamptis pyramidalis |
Orchid, southern marsh | Dactylorhiza incarnata |
Oxeye daisy or Dog Daisy | Leucanthemum vulgare |
Oxtongue, bristly | Picris echiodes |
Oxtongue, hawkweed | Picris hieracioides |
Pale persicaria | Persicaria lapathifolia |
Pansy, field | Viola arvensis |
Pansy, wild | Viola tricolor |
Parsley piert | Aphanes arvensis |
Pearlwort, annual | Sagina apetala |
Pearlwort, knotted | Sagina nodosa |
Pearlwort, procumbent or mossy | Sagina procumbens |
Pellitory of the wall | Parietaria judaica |
Pepper saxifrage | Silaum silaus |
Periwinkle, lesser | Vinca minor |
Perwinkle, greater | Vinca major |
Petty whin | Genista anglica |
Pignut | Conopodium majus |
Pineapple weed | Matricaria discoidea |
Pink purslane | Claytonia sibirica |
Plantain, buckshorn | Plantago coronopus |
Plantain, greater | Plantago major |
Plantain, hoary | Plantago media |
Plantain, ribwort | Plantago lanceolata |
Ploughmans spikenard | Inula conyzae |
Pondweeds | Potamogeton spp. |
Poplar, balsam | Populus trichocarpa |
Poplar, black | Populus nigra |
Poplar, hybrid | Populus x canadensis |
Poplar, white | Populus alba |
Poppy, common | Papaver rhoeas |
Poppy, long headed | Papaver dubium |
Poppy, yellow-juiced | Papaver dubium ssp. lecoqii |
Poppy, opium | Papaver somniferum |
Poppy, Welsh | Meconopsis cambrica |
Primrose, birdseye | Primula farinosa |
Primrose, common | Primula vulgaris |
Quaking grass | Briza media |
Radish, wild | Raphanus raphanistrum |
Ragged robin | Lychnis flos-cuculi |
Ragwort, common | Senecio jacobea |
Ragwort, hoary | Senecio erucifolius |
Ragwort, marsh | Senecio aquaticus |
Ragwort, Oxford | Senecio squalidus |
Ramsons | Allium ursinum |
Rape | Brassica napus |
Raspberry | Rubus idaeus |
Red bartsia | Odontites verna |
Red goosefoot | Chenopodium rubrum |
Redshank | Persicaria maculosa |
Reedmace, common | Typha latifolia |
Reedmace, lesser | Typha angustifolia |
Restharrow, common | Ononis repens |
Restharrow, spiny | Ononis spinosa |
Rhododendron | Rhododendron ponticum |
Rockrose | Helianthemum nummularium |
Rose, burnet | Rosa pimpinellifolia |
Rose, dog | Rosa canina |
Rose, downy | Rosa mollis |
Rose, field | Rosa arvensis |
Rose, sweet briar | Rosa rubiginosa |
Rough chervil | Chaerophyllum temulentum (= Ch. temulem) |
Rowan | Sorbus aucuparia |
English Name | Latin Name |
Sand Leek | Allium scorodoprasum |
Sanicle | Sanicula europaea |
Sawwort | Serratula tinctoria |
Saxifrage, meadow | Saxifraga granulata |
Saxifrage, rue-leaved | Saxifraga tridactylites |
Scabious, devilsbit | Succisa pratensis |
Scabious, field | Knautia arvensis |
Scabious, small | Scabiosa columbaria |
Scarlet pimpernel | Anagallis arvensis |
Scots pine | Pinus sylvestris |
Self heal | Prunella vulgaris |
Shepherds needle | Scandix pecten-veneris |
Shepherds purse | Capsella bursa-pastoris |
Silverweed | Potentilla anserina |
Skullcap | Scutellaria galericulata |
Sneezewort | Achillea ptarmica |
Snowdrop | Galanthus nivalis |
Solomons Seal | Polygonatum multiflorum |
Sorrel, common | Rumex acetosa |
Sorrel, sheeps | Rumex acetosella |
Sowthistle, blue | Cicerbita macrophylla |
Sowthistle, perennial | Sonchus arvensis |
Sowthistle, rough | Sonchus asper |
Sowthistle, smooth | Sonchus oleracea |
Spearwort, greater | Ranunculus lingua |
Spearwort, lesser | Ranunculus flammula |
Speedwell, brooklime | Veronica beccabunga |
Speedwell, common | Veronica persica |
Speedwell, germander | Veronica chamaedrys |
Speedwell, green | Veronica agrestis |
Speedwell, grey | Veronica polita |
Speedwell, heath | Veronica officinalis |
Speedwell, ivy leaved | Veronica hederifolia |
Speedwell, marsh | Veronica scutellata |
Speedwell, slender | Veronica filiformis |
Speedwell, thyme leaved | Veronica serpyllifolia |
Speedwell, wall | Veronica arvensis |
Speedwell, water (blue) | Veronica angallis-aquatica |
Speedwell, wood | Veronica montana |
Spike-rush, common | Eleocharis palustris |
Spike-rush, few-flowered | Eleocharis quinqueflora |
Spindle | Euonymus europaeus |
Spring whitlowgrass | Erophila verna |
Spruce, Norway | Picea abies |
Spruce, Sitka | Picea sitchensis |
Spurge laurel | Daphne laureola |
Spurge, dwarf | Euphorbia exigua |
Spurge, petty | Euphorbia peplus |
Spurge, sun | Euphorbia helioscopia |
Spurrey, corn | Spergula arvensis |
Spurrey, sand | Spergularia rubra |
St Johnswort, beautiful | Hypericum pulchrum |
St Johnswort, hairy | Hypericum hirsutum |
St Johnswort, imperforate | Hypericum maculatum |
St Johnswort, marsh | Hypericum elodes |
St Johnswort, pale | Hypericum montanum |
St Johnswort, perforate | Hypericum perforatum |
St Johnswort, square stalked | Hypericum tetrapterum |
St Johnswort, trailing | Hypericum humifusum |
Star of Bethlehem, white | Ornithogalum angustifolium |
Star of Bethlehem, yellow | Gagea lutea |
Starwort | Callitriche agg. |
Stitchwort, bog | Stellaria uliginosa |
Stitchwort, greater | Stellaria holostea |
Stitchwort, lesser | Stellaria graminea |
Stitchwort, marsh | Stellaria palustris |
Stitchwort, wood | Stellaria nemorum |
Stone bramble | Rubus saxatilis |
Stonecrop, biting | Sedum acre |
Stonecrop, English | Sedum anglicum |
Stonecrop, reflexed | Sedum rupestre |
Stonecrop, white | Sedum album |
Storksbill | Erodium cicutarium |
Strawberry, barren | Potentilla sterilis |
Strawberry, wild | Fragaria vesca |
Sundew | Drosera rotundifolia |
Sweet cicely | Myrrhis odorata |
Swinecress | Coronopus sp. |
Swinecress, common | Coronopus squamatus |
Swinecress, lesser | Coronopus didymus |
Sycamore | Acer pseudoplatanus |
Tansy | Tanacetum vulgare |
Teasel | Dipsacus fullonum |
Thale cress | Arabidopsis thaliana |
Thistle, carline | Carlina vulgaris |
Thistle, creeping | Cirsium arvense |
Thistle, dwarf | Cirsium acaule |
Thistle, marsh | Cirsium palustre |
Thistle, meadow | Cirsium dissectum |
Thistle, melancholy | Cirsium heterophyllum |
Thistle, musk | Carduus nutans |
Thistle, slender | Carduus tenuiflorus |
Thistle, spear | Cirsium vulgare |
Thistle, welted | Carduus crispus |
Thistle, woolly | Cirsium eriophorum |
Thorn apple | Datura stramonium |
Three nerved sandwort | Moehringia trinerva |
Thyme | Thymus polytrichus |
Thyme leaved sandwort | Arenaria serpyllifolia |
Toadflax, common | Linaria vulgaris |
Toadflax, ivy leaved | Cymbalaria muralis |
Toadflax, purple | Linaria purpurea |
Toadflax, small | Chaenorhinum minus |
Toothwort | Lathrea squamaria |
Tormentil | Potentilla erecta |
Tormentil, trailing | Potentilla anglica |
Treacle Mustard | Erysimum cheiranthoides |
Trefoil, hop | Trifolium campestre |
Trefoil, lesser | Trifolium dubium |
Tutsan | Hypericum androsaemum |
Twayblade, common | Listera ovata |
Twayblade, lesser | Listera cordata |
English Name | Latin Name |
Valerian, common | Valeriana officinalis |
Valerian, marsh | Valeriana dioica |
Valerian, red | Centranthus ruber |
Venus's looking-glass | Legousia hybrida |
Vetch, bitter | Lathyrus linifolius |
Vetch, bush | Vicia sepium |
Vetch, common | Vicia sativa |
Vetch, kidney | Anthyllis vulneraria |
Vetch, spring | Vicia lathyroides |
Vetch, tufted | Vicia cracca |
Vetch, wood | Vicia sylvatica |
Violet, common dog | Viola riviniana |
Violet, early dog or Wood dog | Viola reichenbachiana |
Violet, hairy | Viola hirta |
Violet, marsh | Viola palustris |
Violet, sweet | Viola odorata |
Vipers bugloss | Echium vulgare |
Wall lettuce | Mycelis muralis |
Wall rocket, annual | Diplotaxis muralis |
Wall rue | Asplenium ruta-muraria |
Walnut | Juglans regia |
Watercress, common | Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum |
Watercress, narrow fruited | Rorippa microphylla |
Water crowfoot, common | Ranunculus aquatilis |
Water crowfoot, ivy leaved | Ranunculus hederacea |
Water crowfoot, river | Ranunculus fluitans |
Water crowfoot, round leaved | Ranunculus omiophyllus |
Water crowfoot, thread leaved | Ranunculus trichophyllus |
Water milfoil | Myriophyllum sp. |
Waterlily, white | Nymphea alba |
Waterlily, yellow | Nuphar lutea |
Water pepper | Persicaria hydropiper |
Water plantain | Alisma plantago-aquatica |
Water purslane | Lythrum portula |
Weld | Reseda luteola |
Whitebeam | Sorbus aria agg. |
White Bryony | Bryonia dioica |
Wild basil | Clinopodium vulgare |
Wild carrot | Daucus carota |
Wild cherry | Prunus avium |
Wild daffodil | Narcissus pseudonarcissus |
Wild pear | Pyrus communis |
Wild plum | Prunus domestica |
Wild privet | Ligustrum vulgare |
Willow, bay | Salix pentandra |
Willow, crack | Salix fragilis |
Willow, creeping | Salix repens |
Willow, eared | Salix aurita |
Willow, goat | Salix caprea |
Willow, grey | Salix cinerea |
Willow, osier | Salix viminalis |
Willow, purple | Salix purpurea |
Willow, white | Salix alba |
Willowherb, American | Epilobium ciliatum |
Willowherb, broad leaved | Epilobium montanum |
Willowherb, great | Epilobium hirsutum |
Willowherb, hoary | Epilobium parviflorum |
Willowherb, marsh | Epilobium palustre |
Willowherb, New Zealand | Epilobium brunnescens |
Willowherb, pale | Epilobium roseum |
Willowherb, rosebay or Fireweed | Chamerion angustifolium (=Chamaenerion angustifolium) |
Willowherb, short fruited | Epilobium obscurum |
Willowherb, square stalked | Epilobium tetragonum |
Winter aconite | Eranthis hyemalis |
Winter heliotrope | Petasites fragrans |
Wintercress | Barbarea vulgaris |
Wintergreen | Pyrola sp. |
Wintergreen - common | Pyrola minor |
Wintergreen - intermediate | Pyrola media |
Wood anemone | Anemone nemorosa |
Wood sage | Teucrium scorodonia |
Wood sorrel | Oxalis acetosella |
Woodruff | Galium odoratum |
Woodrush, field | Luzula campestris |
Woodrush, great | Luzula sylvatica |
Woodrush, hairy | Luzula pilosa |
Woodrush, heath | Luzula multiflora |
Wormwood | Artemesia absinthium |
Woundwort, field | Stachys arvensis |
Woundwort, hedge | Stachys sylvatica |
Woundwort, marsh | Stachys palustris |
Yarrow | Achillea millefolium |
Yellow archangel | Lamiastrum galeobdolon |
Yellow birdsnest | Monotropa hypopitys |
Yellow iris or Flag | Iris pseudacorus |
Yellow pimpernel | Lysimachia nemorum |
Yellow rattle | Rhinanthus minor |
Yellowcress, great | Rorippa amphibia |
Yellowcress, marsh | Rorippa palustris |
Yew | Taxus baccata |
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