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This is an experimental page, offering interactive distribution maps for plants in part of the North York Moors National Park. The data was collected by Nan Sykes c.1983-1993 for her book Wild Plants and their Habitats in the North York Moors.
Nans latest book is Wildflowers of North East Yorkshire, a photographic guide to the flowers of the area. [available from North York Moors National Park Information Centres and online at the NYM on-line shop].
Please go to to see the map. You will see a random species at first and initially you will get the set-up page select the Show map button and click Run (which will only work if your browser supports VML images). You can specify any plant(s) to be mapped. For example, you might want to compare the distributions of the two native pansies, or select a group of plants as markers of a particular habitat, say Baneberry+Spindle+Early Purple Orchid for ancient woodland on limestone. The map accepts English or Latin names, and will take partial matches, so for instance you could ask for creep but, mead but to see Creeping Buttercup and Meadow Buttercup together; pansy will show both Field Pansy and Wild Pansy.
Interactive mapping and plant lists courtesy of Causeway Graphical Systems Ltd.
Please let Gill Smith have your comments and suggestions on these maps
© Ryedale Natural History Society 2009.
Page last modified 1st January 2009. Site maintained by APL-385