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The Weather in Gilling for 2001

A considerably drier year than 2000, although still wetter than the average of the previous ten years. The Spring was noticeably wet, which led to lush vegetation along roadside verges. Late Spring and early Summer were relatively dry, although it is clear that there were no prolonged periods without rainfall. A fairly wet autmn led to the ground being waterlogged through the winter although there was no flooding.

graph of rainfall

A cold start to the year, with a very late spring. The last frost was well into May which held many plants back, and prevented my walnut tree from setting any nuts. The middle of May was dry, with hot sunshine, though in general cool, fresh air. The trees did not come into leaf until the last week of May, and some ashes were still not fully out by 31st. The summer was reasonably warm, though there were no days over 27°C (80°F) and relatively few over 22°C. There was a fairly steep decline in temperatures from late September onwards, with the first frost in mid-October after a sunny beginning to the month. The autumn colours were late and not particularly striking as many leaves had blown off while still green. November and December remained quite cold with plenty of frosts, especially in the last week of the year when it was often below freeaing all day.

graph of temperatures

Adrian and Gill have been keeping records for the past 12 years. To see all the charts please visit If you would like any further information email Gill at