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There were 111 species reported in the area this year (see list below).
January proved to be very quiet but February was highlighted with a Hen Harrier at Blakey on 8th and Red Kite at Amotherby on 11th. There were two Little Grebes, seven Shelduck and a Goosander at Newburgh Priory on 22nd.
A solitary Snow Bunting at Bonfield Gill on 9th March was the only interest for that month. The first swallows returned to Shaw drive on 9th April when there was a Cormorant and four Shelduck at Newburgh Priory. The first Cuckoo arrived back at Rudland on 18th. A pair of Dippers was noted at Church House, Farndale but sadly they seem to have disappeared from our other rivers.
As usual by May most of our summer migrants had arrived back. The first Turtle Dove was at Rudland on 7th and numbers in Cropton seemed to be as last year. A Hobby was at Slingsby on 17th and a Red Kite at Gilling on 25th. Buzzards were at Barton Hill on 29th and Slingsby on 30th. The highlight of the month was two Dotterel on Shunner Howe on 23rd. A Sedge Warbler at Slingsby on 25th was a good find and Nightjar were back at Rudland by 26th. Yellow Wagtails are uncommon in the area so sightings at Gilling and Derwent Meadows were welcome.
as usual proved to be a quiet month with many species breeding and often unobtrusive. Barn Owls had
a very successful year with 111 young ringed. Another Hobby at Slingsby on 5th July may have
indicated local breeding. Sadly the only record for Kingfisher* was at Slingsby on 24th. Two fledged
Cuckoo chicks were being fed by Meadow Pipits at Ousegill on 27th (right, photo by Tom Denney).
August produced a Yellow wagtail at Sykes House on 5th & 6th, a Buzzard in Farndale on 9th and 11th and a passing Whimbrel at Sykes House on 20th. In September Buzzards were again prominent with one in Bransdale on 25th and four at Stork House on 26th. It is only a matter of time before the first nest is found in that area. Hobby was again in the area with one at Sykes on 17th and possibly the same one in Bransdale on 19th.
As usual Buzzards appeared again in October with one at Rudland on 4th and two in Bransdale on 26th. The highlight was the influx of Waxwings in to the area (see article) after a major arrival on the Scottish east coast. In November there was a Buzzard at West Ness on 8th and two ringtail Hen Harriers were in the Ousegill area during the month and in to December.
There have been several comments regarding the number of birds coming to garden feeders being down on previous years. This seems to be happening around the country. The answer given seems to be the milder winters we are getting. This allows birds to obtain food in the countryside for longer periods and they come in to feeders perhaps during the day to top up before making their way back to roost sites rather than obtaining the majority of their food there. For those with internet access visit
*[We have since heard from Jack Watson, who recorded kingfisher as occasionally seen on village stream, Gilling - Ed.]
Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis Two Newburgh Priory on 22nd February. Seen on Gilling Lakes.
Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus One at Gilling Lake on 24th April with two on 1st May. Bred.
Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo One at Newburgh Priory on 9th April and one south at Slingsby.
Grey Heron Ardea cinerea Bred Ellerburn and Sleightholmedale. One over Gilling on 3rd April with six over on 31st August. Seen occasionally over Rudland.
Mute Swan Cygnus olor Bred Newburgh Priory fledged 3 young.
Geese spp Several skeins on passage. 50+ at Bulmer on 14th January and three over Gilling Woods on 25th.
Pink-footed Goose Anser brachyrhynchus Flocks north over Rudland in February and south in September/October.
Greylag Goose Anser anser Frequently seen flying over Slingsby often in formation. Occasional on Gilling Lakes.
Canada Goose Branta Canadensis Frequently seen flying over Slingsby often in formation. Two pairs on Gilling Lake 24th April. 30 flew over Newburgh Priory on 10th October. Present on Elleron Lake.
Shelduck Tadorna tadorna Seven at Newburgh Priory on 22nd February with 4 there on 9th April.
Teal Anas crecca Present on Elleron Lake.
Mallard Anas platyrhynchos No counts, but common in all suitable habitats throughout the area. Female with 6 ducklings on Gilling Lake 24th April. Present at Rudland due to release for shooting some years ago.
Pochard Aythya farina Seven at Newburgh Priory on 22nd February.
Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula Five males and two females at Gilling Lake on 7th March.
Goosander Mergus merganser One at Newburgh Priory on 22nd February, a female on the River Rye at Rievaulx on 16th April, possibly local breeder, and 4 at Newburgh Priory on 3rd October.
Red Kite Milvus milvus One reported over Amotherby on 11th February and Gilling on 25th May.
Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus One at Blakey on 8th February and two ringtails seen Ousegill area late November/early December.
Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus Although common throughout the area only reports received from Slingsby, Gilling, Bulmer Hagg and Rudland. Slingsby: a female on 5th January and Slingsby Heights on 24th. Juvenile dead on road. Gilling: one circling over Gilling GC on 22nd February, one over Gilling Fields on 5th December, and one a regular visitor to a garden. Bulmer Hagg on 18th March. Doing well at Rudland and often seen on moorland edge. One in a local garden regularly at both ends of the year.
Common Buzzard Buteo buteo One soaring over Barton Hill on 29th May and again north of Slingsby on 30th. One in Lower Farndale on 9th and 11th August, Harland Moor on 25th September with four at Stork House on 26th. One at Rudland on 4th October and two in Bransdale on 26th. One at West Ness on 8th November. A pale bird in December in Bransdale looked initially like a Rough-legged Buzzard.
(Rough-legged Buzzard Buteo lagapus) An unconfirmed report of one in Farndale on 24th October.
Kestrel Falco tinnunculus One hovering at Swinton on 27th February. Seen on several occasions to take a Blackbird. As with other common species under-reported. Most common raptor of the moors. Fairly common in Gilling area.
Merlin Falco columbarius An adult male at Normanby on 8th April was presumably moving back to breeding grounds on the moors. Seen on Rudland Rigg from May through to August but no proof of breeding.
Hobby Falco subbuteo One at Slingsby on 17th May and 5th July, Sykes House on 17th September and South Bransdale on 19th.
Red Grouse Lagopus lagopus Several pairs on Spaunton Moor on 28th April. Appears to have been a good breeding season with several large family parties seen in Bransdale but shooting days were limited.
Red-legged Partridge Alectoris ruffa A pair at Slingsby on 2nd May. 11 at Low Park, Kirkbymoorside on 26th December. Now a common species from the lower carr lands to the moor fringes. The common partridge of the area.
Grey Partridge Perdix perdix Two Gilling 3rd March and five on 31st May. No other records received but pairs seen frequently in arable areas.
Pheasant Phasianus colchicus Widespread throughout the area.
Moorhen Gallinula chloropus Resident in Slingsby with 5 on Wath Beck on 25th Janauary. 8 on West Lund Lane in October and November with 7 on 7th November near Gawtersyke Lane. Now at least three pairs in Rudland. Present on Gilling Lakes.
Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus One at Newburgh Priory on 22nd February and Slingsby on 7th May. A pair once again along the River Rye at Helmsley in June and July but no evidence of breeding.
Eurasian Dotterel Charadrius morinellus Two on Shunner Howe on 23rd May.
Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria Three at Slingsby on 17th March, 112 at Cockpit on 11th April. Several calling at Spaunton Moor on 28th April, 20 west at Slingsby on 12th November and 50 east on 17th December. Observations would indicate that there were more along Rudland Rigg than in previous years. Big flocks over moors in the evening in December. 11 birds were resting on the moor at 1000ft on December 29th - this kind of behaviour not noticed before.
Lapwing Vanellus vanellus 100 at Howkeld on 15th February with 50 there on 17th. A winter visitor in Slingsby but a pair bred to the north of Slingsby. 162 nr Fadmoor on 25th December, 165 at High Park on 26th December with 60 at the Golf Course. Seemed to be a poor breeding season with few chicks seen. Pair displaying at Gilling on 6th March and on moorland breeding grounds on 9th. Small flocks often seen around at the beginning and end of the year.
Snipe Gallinago gallinago Several seen occasionally at Howkeld Mill. Three on Spaunton Moor on 27th April and one at Gilling on 16th October. Doing well on moorland edges.
Woodcock Scolopax rusticola One roding Gilling Wood on 30th March. Single flew out of a small wood Railway Street, Slingsby on 19th April.
Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus A single over Sykes House on 20th August.
Curlew Numenius arquata Single at West Ness on 9th January. One over Gilling fields on 6th March when back on moor at Rudland. A nest with four eggs on Spaunton Moor on 28th April. Eight at Ousegill on 1st May.
Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus Up to 20 at Newburgh Priory on several occasions. 10 at High Park on 26th December. Observed along the old railway track at Slingsby on 5th March. Commonest gull seen over Rudland.
Common Gull Larus canus 30 Newburgh Priory on 9th April. 42 flew east over Golf Course on 26th December with 15 at High Park on 27th. Large flocks seem to be a thing of the past possibly due to more autumn sowing of crops.
Stock Dove Columba oenas Only comment received was that it was a fairly common resident at Rudland.
Wood Pigeon Columba palumbus Few counts but small and large flocks seen throughout the area. 1000 nr Hutton-le-Hole on 28th December with 400 at Yoadwith.
Collared Dove Streptopelia decaocto Widespread throughout the area. Pair built a nest on top of a light outside the Black Swan but did not breed. Becoming more common at higher levels in the dales.
Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur A pair at Rudland on 7th May were on passage. One was at Hartoft on 15th May when six at Spiers House, Cropton. One in Gilling Woods on 29th May.
Cuckoo Cuculus canorus The first was heard calling at Rudland on 18th April with the next at Slingsby on 25th, Gilling Woods 26th and seen on 11th May and heard again on 2nd and 21st June. One at Hartoft on 15th May and two were being fed by Meadow Pipits at Ousegill Bridge on 27th July.
Barn Owl Tyto alba A female hunting over rough ground at Slingsby on 5th January, adult female at Great Habton on 9th and near Muscoates on 16th. Three were seen between Slingsby and Helmsley on 28th February. Female hunting at Slingsby on 16th May and 16th June and was feeding 3 chicks in a neighbouring owl box on 7th July. One was seen flying east with Swifts on 15th July, hunting the railway track on 1st August and 20th November. One Starfitts Lane on 13th September. A good breeding season in Ryedale with at least 100 juveniles ringed although no sightings of the pair at West Ness.
Little Owl Athene noctua One in barn at Gilling on 9th June. Nested at Slingsby with 3 chicks in July. Seen at Great Hapton, Butterwick, Nawton, Welburn Grange, Muscoates and Welburn Hall.
Tawny Owl Strix aluco Calling in garden at Slingsby on 25th January, a single at Helmsley on 28th February and Appleton-le-Street on 13th March. Can be heard in many areas during the winter months and especially in rural gardens.
Short Eared Owl Asio flammeus Heard and seen in an oak tree at Gilling.
Nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus The Forestry Commission have organised a survey this year to coincide with the BTO survey. Results will hopefully show a good population within our area. First heard at Rudland on 26th May and heard at two locations other than Harland Moor with one churring in daylight at 7.00pm. Bird at the last location in August so may have bred.
Swift Apus apus Most birds seemed to arrive back the usual dates in May but as in 2003 most had left by the first week of August, a week earlier than normal. Perhaps this will be the pattern for the future. The first was at Slingsby on 20th April where there was a good breeding season with 100 over Slingsby on 18th July with 5 on 14th August, four on the 23rd with the last on 5th September. Two in Gilling on 2nd May.
Kingfisher Alcedo atthis Sadly only one record: a bird flying along the ditch next to the railway track at Slingsby on 24th July although it is said to be doing well on the River Seven, Sinnington. Occasionally seen on Gilling beck.
Green Woodpecker Picus viridis Birds were calling at Pry Rigg on various dates between April and September and occasionally in Cropton Forest. One in Gilling village on 21st February, Cawton on 21st April and Gilling on 31st December.
Great Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos major A pair on bird table in Slingsby on 31st January. One drumming Gilling on 4th February. Seen at Low Park, Lund Lane, Manor Vale, Rudland, Woodmill and Yoadwith.
Skylark Alauda arvensis Seen on Spaunton Moor on 28th April. Small winter flocks reported with 3 singing birds at Hawnby on 10th May. Breeds at Boonhill and along the moor edge at Rudland.
Sand Martin Riparia riparia First at Howkeld Mill on 17th April. A good breeding season on the Rye at Helmsley. For the first time in three years the first broods were not washed out and 165 were ringed but the second broods were washed out in August. The last were two at Howkeld Mill on 23rd August.
Swallow Hirundo rustica First in Shaw Drive on 9th April. Gilling 12th Back at Rudland on 15th April and seems to be doing well with one at Gilling on 16th. Large numbers massing on telephone wires in September.
House Martin Delichon urbica First were two at Howkeld Mill on 17th April with arrival at Slingsby in usual numbers by 24th and some still there on 5th September. Reported late arriving in Gilling on 2nd May, nesting early June, with most having left by 28th September. Seen at Fadmoor on 6th May and still feeding young in Kirkbymoorside in October.
Tree Pipit Anthus trivialis There were 32 singing males in the Cropton/Hartoft/Snape area during May. For the first time for many years no sightings from Pry Rigg. Only one singing male at Boltby Forest in May. One at Gilling on 1st May.
Meadow Pipit Anthus pratensis Common on the moors and occasionally encountered on the lower ground in spring and autumn.
Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava A pair between Gilling and Cawton on 31st May, two on Derwent Meadows in May and one at Sykes House on 5th & 6th August.
Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinerea Bred at Kirkdale ford, Ousegill Bridge and Yoadwith. A single at Slingsby on 11th February and a pair at Nunnington on 12th April. Occasional visitor to pond at Sykes House in late summer/autumn.
Pied Wagtail Motacilla alba Two at High Park on 11th April. Seen frequently in Piercy End and flying over and also at Sykes House but no reports of breeding.
Waxwing Bombycilla garrulous The sign of things to come was the report of 12 at Pickering on 31st October. This flock increased to 60-70 within the week. Reports from further north suggested that there was to be a major influx this winter. A flock was reported in the gardens at the back of West End. This probably numbered approx 70 by the end of November. On the 5th December 70 were seen flying over West End and then a flock of 500 was at Howkeld between 9.00-10am. This number had dropped to 30 by 11.00am but had gone by 12.00pm. There were then some sightings around Kirkbymoorside on 8th December and until the year end with some at Fadmoor football pitch on 24th and reported from Lowna, Gillamoor on the same day. (see article). 30 were next to the A170 at Welburn Hall on 13th, 12+ were in a garden at Slingsby on 14th and they were reported from elsewhere in the village. [see separate note]
Dipper Cinclus cinclus Pair at Church House, Farndale on 5th April. Reported to have disappeared from the River Seven at Sinnington.
Wren Troglodytes troglodytes Pair bred in a garden in Slingsby and noted from all areas throughout the area. Seen on high moor outside of breeding season.
Dunnock Prunella modularis A widespread breeding bird.
Robin Erithacus rubecula A widespread breeding bird.
Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus A few reports from Bransdale, Gilling, Hawnby Newtondale and Sleightholmedale. Arrived back at Sykes House on 20th April and bred as usual.
Whinchat Saxicola rubetra Reported from Ousegill Bridge on 6th May, where bred, and Pockley Moor.
Stonechat Saxicola torquata Pair at Hutton-le-Hole on 31st August, two in Bransdale on 25th October, several sightings from Rudland, with two pairs at Rudland on 28th December
Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe First seen in Bransdale on 19th April and in spring and autumn on moors but no proof of breeding.
Ring Ouzel Turdus torquatus Back at Ousegill on 30th March. Bred at Ousegill fledging one young and were feeding again on July 18th which may indicate a second brood. Bred also Pockley Moor where two fledged. Six nests were found in Rosedale but unfortunately all failed probably by predation.
Blackbird Turdus merula Raised two broods in Slingsby but two attempts failed in a Kirkbymoorside garden. Widespread throughout the area and probably augmented by continental birds in winter. There appears to be an increase this winter in line with other thrushes.
Fieldfare Turdus pilaris 60 Kirkbymoorside on 3rd April, 20 north at Slingsby on 8th, 50 at Ampleforth on 9th and 40 at Howkeld on 17th. The last at Rudland on 5th May. Two at Newburgh Priory on 19th October, winter influx at Slingsby on 29th. 40 at Kirkbymoorside Golf Course on 25th December and 60 at High Park on 26th.
Song Thrush Turdus philomelos Birds in song at Slingsby on 21st January, Kirkdale on 10th April and Nunnington on 12th. No counts but seemed to be commoner this year.
Redwing Turdus iliacus A single at Fryton Heights on 20th February was the only early winter report. An early arrival with one at High Park on 12th September and back at Rudland on 4th October, 110 at Fadmoor football pitch on 25th December and 40 at High Park on 26th.
Mistle Thrush Turdus viscivorus Up to 70 feeding on berries at Harland Moor on 20th August. In full song on 21st January at Slingsby with one pair successfully breeding locally and at Gilling on 24th. One singing on top of the monument in Helmsley on 8th March.
Sedge Warbler Acrocaphalus schoenobaenus Singing male at Slingsby on 25th May.
Whitethroat Sylvia communis Seen at Sykes House on 25th April. Male in full song at Slingsby on 5th May with three on 7th when one at Caukleys Bank. Seen at Ellerburn Bank NR on 15th and birds feeding young at nest in Slingsby on 12th June and young left the following day. Singing was again heard on 20th and 30th and a pair were feeding young with crane fly (tipula) on 27th July. One adult and 2 young were there on 2nd August and three adults on 17th. A party of juveniles passed through Rudland during late summer. Two juveniles ringed at Pry Rigg in August.
Garden Warbler Sylvia borin An adult and juvenile were ringed at Pry Rigg in July, three juveniles in August and one in September. One at Gilling on 23rd May.
Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla Male in song at Gilling on 22nd April, Slingsby on 30th. and Slingsby Carr on 2nd May, Ellerburn Bank (YWT) and Rudland on 15th and Gilling on 16th. A male was ringed in Kirkbymoorside on 1st February. Two ringed at Pry Rigg in July, 10 in August and one in September.
Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix Only record of one singing at Stoneleigh Woods, Rudland on 24th April.
Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita First arrival Gilling March 22nd One singing at Gilling on 27th March, Rudland on 1st April, Kirkdale on 10th, Nunnington on 12th and Ellerburn Bank (YWT) on 15th May. As seems common these days one singing at Slingsby on 1st November. Just four spring ringing records from Pry Rigg with two in April and two in May. The best ever autumn catches with: 4 in July, 20 in August (12 on 21st) with 29 in September (24 on 4th) and one on 3rd October.
Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus An early bird at Rudland on 1st April. Singing males at Slingsby on 13th April, two at Gilling on 22nd and Ellerburn Bank on 15th May. 20 Boltby Forest 3rd May. More birds than usual reported from Sykes House but another depressing year at Pry Rigg with only three new ringed birds in the spring. Thirteen were ringed on 8th July, 22in August and one in September. In 2002 98 were ringed. Four birds were caught having been ringed in 2003 with the oldest bird ringed in April 2000 and caught again in April 2002 & 2003 and again this year in May.
Goldcrest Regulus regulus Away from the forests where a common bird 6 were in Shaw Drive, Kirkbymoorside for several days around 3rd October. Wandering flocks are often found in urban areas in winter in search of food and have been seen at bird tables and nuts although predominately an insect feeder. Common resident at Rudland.
Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata Seven in Middleton Moor Forest in May, seen at Sykes House on 12th and bred as usual and two pairs in West Lund Lane in September. One in Gilling on 1st June. Nested in Gilling garden mid-June.
Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca Only two pairs in nest boxes at Hawnby.
Long-tailed Tit Aegithalos caudatus Party of eight in Slingsby on 18th August and 30+ on 12th November. 30 Manor Vale 25th December. Small groups and family parties in Gilling at both ends of the year. Seen regularly in Gilling garden.
Marsh Tit Parus palustris Reported from Kirkdale on 10th April and Sutton Bank on 16th. At Welburn Hall on several dates. Four ringed at Pry Rigg in the autumn. Frequent visitor to Rudland bird feeders. Regular visitor to garden bird table, Gilling.
Willow Tit Parus montanus The only report of one ringed on 10th April at Pry Rigg and two ringed on 26th September.
Coal Tit Parus ater Frequent visitor to garden feeding tables and nuts in Slingsby, Gilling and Kirkbymoorside. Seen at Sutton Bank & Nunnington.
Blue Tit Parus caeruleus Widespread throughout the area with the following reports: Bred in nest box at Slingsby and three young being fed on 22nd June. 7 young ringed in box at Nettledale and 18 ringed in boxes at Ashberry. Common in Gilling area.
Great Tit Parus major Three being fed at Slingsby on 4th June. 8 young ringed at Nettledale and 24 at Ashberry. As with previous species widespread throughout the area.
Nuthatch Sitta europaea Seven young ringed in nestbox at Ashberry. Heard in Kirkdale on 10th April and reported from Welburn Hall, Manor Vale and Kirkbymoorside.
Treecreeper Certhia familiaris Common in mixed winter flocks and reported from both ends of the year but few reports during the breeding season.
Jay Garrulus glandarius Common in the forest fringes. Heard and seen at Pry Rigg on numerous occasions, Low park, High Park, Yoadwith and Manor Vale.
Magpie Pica pica Not a common bird due to shooting interests. A pair in and around Slingsby and a single bird at Kirkbymoorside on 16th November and on G C on 25th December. Not uncommon at Rudland.
Jackdaw Corvus monedula Common throughout the area with breeding in several chimneys in Kirkbymoorside and in the small quarry at the top of Newgate Bank. Small flocks in winter and often form part of large corvid flocks.
Rook Corvus frugilegus Common often with large flocks. Rookeries at Coxwold, Helmsley Cemetery, Kirkbymoorside Church, Nr Pockley, Oswaldkirk and Slingsby Heights. The new rookery at Rudland continues to flourish.
Carrion Crow Corvus corone Nests every year in tall trees around Railway Street, Slingsby. Nest building from 6th April onwards. Often seen in pairs on the moors and lowland and often persecuted by shooting interests.
Starling Sturnus vulgaris Breeds throughout usually under roof tiles and in old trees with holes. Flocks of up to 100 in Slingsby in winter. 200 collecting on telegraph wires on 13th August with 100 on 11th November. Flocks of up to 200 in and around Kirkbymoorside in late winter. A rare visitor to feeders at Rudland with just a few local breeders.
House Sparrow Passer domesticus Breeding numbers appear to be holding up in Slingsby. Many small parties flushed from the side of the road/hedgerows when driving. It would be useful in the future to count parties to give us an idea how our populations are holding up. Common at Rudland.
Tree Sparrow Passer montanus Several along railway track at Slingsby on 20th January and on garden feeder on 24th. Bred at Sommerfield Farm and good breeding numbers at Low farm, Helmsley although no counts. Possibly bred in village hall, Gilling with reports in April and May. Up to 12 seen in Gilling garden. 10 in Gawtersyke Lane, Kirkbymoorside on 18th December. For the first time for many years stayed on and nested at Sykes House (one pair). A maximum of 23 at their feeder in February.
Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs Male in song at Slingsby on 9th February and at Kirkdale on 10th April and Sutton Bank on 16th. Although widespread no counts.
Brambling Fringilla montifringilla A pair in a Kirkbymoorside garden from 3rd-14th April. One at Sykes House on 14th October, female at Slingsby on 17th. 20-30 Eastmoors on 22nd and 50 at Gilling on 30th. One in Gilling garden mid-January.
Greenfinch Carduelis chloris Small flock at Slingsby on 25th Janauary. Seen at Sutton Bank on 16th April. 55 ringed in Kirkbymoorside.
Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis Much under reported. Small flock feeding on bird table at Sutton Bank on 16th April and pair regularly at Slingsby on 26th.
Siskin Carduelis spinus Single at Sutton Bank on 29th April. Pickering on 2nd May and two at Middleton Moor Forest on 28th December. 40 at Gilling on 30th October. Frequent all the year round at Rudland and Cropton Forest. Pair in Gilling garden mid-Feb and early April.
Linnet Carduelis cannabina Small flock at Stonegrave on 8th March and pair at Ellerburn Bank (YWT) on 15th May. Flocks of 60 in winter around Rudland.
Twite Carduelis flavirostris Reported from Rudland in December by a visiting birder who was familiar with the call.
Redpoll Carduelis cabaret 30 at Gilling on 30th October. Common all the year round at Rudland. This species has now been split in to three taxa: Lesser Redpoll (British subspecies), Common Redpoll and Arctic Redpoll
Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula Pair north of Slingsby on 13th May. 39 birds ringed at Pry Rigg. Three females at Gillamoor on 25th December and two in Manor Vale on 26th. Not an uncommon resident in Rudland.
Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis One in the snow at Bonfield Gill on 9th March.
Yellowhammer Emberiza citronella Male at Slingsby on 7th January and Stonegrave on 8th March. Males often seen on hedge tops when driving in the arable areas. No flocks reported.
Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus Only record of male seen at Slingsby on 12th April and 2nd May.
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