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Twelve of us met near Black Forest Lodge on the eastern edge of Cropton Forest. We walked into the
forest on a fairly short circuit down through pine and birch trees, but as fungal forayers always travel
slowly with so much to see, it took us a good two hours. When we got back to the cars we set out
examples of our less common finds on a camping table, and added as many identification labels as we
could. Then we congratulated ourselves while eating apples and cake, and drinking tea!
Some fungi had to be taken home for further microscopic examination although we were lucky to have
Brian Cockerill from Scarborough Naturalists and Melanie Earle with us so many specimens were
identified in situ.
One of the highlights for me was finding several Surprising Webcaps - Cortinarius semisanguineus. This is found on damp mossy ground under conifers, particularly Spruce, and sometimes Birch. It has a fairly ordinary pale slightly yellowish brown cap, so when you turn it over and see it has blood red gills, it really IS surprising. The genus Cortinarius has rust coloured spores and a weblike veil (called a Cortina), joining the cap to the stipe in young specimens, and often all you see of this is a rusty smear at the top of the stem where the spores have got caught on the ripped Cortina. It is notoriously difficult to identify Cortinarius species so it is really nice to find one,at least, that is unmistakeable in the field
Latin Name | Common Name |
Amanita muscaria | Fly Agaric |
Amanita rubescens | The Blusher |
Boletus badius | Bay Bolete |
Boletus edulis | Cep |
Calocera viscosa | Yellow Staghorn |
Coleosporium tussilaginis | |
Cortinarius flexipes | Pine Pelargonium Webcap |
Cortinarius semisanguineus | Surprise Webcap |
Gymnopilus penetrans | Common Rustgill |
Heterobasidion annosum | Conifer Heart Rot |
Hypholoma fasciculare | Sulphur Tuft |
Hypomyces chrysospermus | Bolete mould |
Laccaria amethystina | Amethyst Deceiver |
Laccaria laccata | Deceiver |
Lactarius pubescens | Bearded Milkcap |
Lactarius tabidus | Birch Milkcap |
Lactarius glyciomus | Coconut Milkcap |
Leccinum holopus | Ghost Bolete |
Leccinum scabrum | Brown Birch Bolete |
Leccinum variicolor | Mottled Bolete |
Leotia lubrica | Jelly Baby |
Mycena arcangeliana | Angels Bonnet |
Paxillus involutus | Brown Rollrim |
Piptoporus betulinus | Birch Bracket |
Plicaturopsis crispa | Crimped gill |
Postia stiptica | Bitter Bracket |
Rhytisma acerinum | Tar Spot |
Russula aeruginea | Green Brittlegill |
Russula betularum | Birch Brittlegill |
Russula caerulea | Humpback Brittlegill |
Russula emetica | The Sickener |
Russula ochroleuca | Ochre Brittlegill |
Russula sardonia | Primrose Brittlegill |
Suillus bovinus | Bovine Bolete |
Trichaptum abietinum | Purplepore bracket |
Tricholoma fulvum | Birch Knight |
Trochila ilicina | Holly Speckle |
Xylaria hypoxylon | Candle snuff |
© Ryedale Natural History Society 2017, Photos © Gill Smith, Rhona Sutherland (Cortinarius) 2017 |